Many tenders that I work on include “best overall value for money” as a key evaluation criteria. This isn’t just about price - it’s about how well you can deliver the products or services required, what value-adds or innovations you bring, and how well you meet the tender requirements.
EOI, RFQ, RFI, RFT, ITO, ATM - What the Heck is with All Those Tender Acronyms?
How Does a Tender Writer Charge for Their Services?
How to Make Your Tender Response Really Stand Out
Tenders can be gnarly little beasts and in a highly competitive and increasingly sophisticated bidding world, it’s important to make a good first impression on the tender evaluation panel. This requires a combination of careful preparation, a compelling presentation, and a focus on addressing the specific needs of the tender issuer.
Where to find the best tender opportunities for your business
I first wrote this blog waaayyyy back in January 2017. A lot has changed since then - we’ve experienced a pandemic that caused loads of people to lose their jobs and many businesses to close, bushfires have been raging across the globe - and Donald Trump came and went. And the tendering world has changed dramatically (but not because of Donald Trump!).
It's Time to Have a Chat About Cover Letters
Cover letters. They should be the last thing you think about when you’re completing your tender - but your cover letter will probably be the first thing that the evaluation panel reads when they start looking at your tender. It can really help to set the scene about your business and why you are a good fit for the tender requirements. And in a sea of competitive bids, it may well also be another reason for the tender team to keep reading.
Is story telling important in tender response writing?
When it comes to tenders, what you say in your response is obviously incredibly important. But there are good ways and not-so-good ways to create a convincing submission. The pretty ordinary way is to state a whole pile of facts without embellishment or putting them into context. But the awesome way to do it is to tell an interesting story about your business.
Tender Responses Traps That Can Catch You Out If You're Not On The Ball
I’ve written hundreds of tender responses and one thing I’ve learned over the years is that there are plenty of tender traps that can catch you out if you’re not on the ball. These usually come in the form of information requests that are hidden in the guts of the tender documentation, but not explicitly included in the tender response schedules.
How long does it take to know if your bid submission succeeded?
TenderWise is ranked in the top 20 tender writing blogs in the world!
Pinching myself to find out that I made it on Feedpost’s top 40 list for tender blogs globally! I made it to number 16 in the world - so it’s time to get busy writing more blogs so I can make it into single digits and maybe even claim the top spot!